Sunday, July 18, 2021

Saturday, July 17, 2021

 I look back at going to the Sun highway, being the last one up the mountain, and grateful for my ride.

How could it be any better than this.  For sure it was a grind but I worked my way up with Abby pushing me forward.  Crossing the top with Ann running beside me.  Wow!  I approached with all the ladies from the tour cheering me on.  Yes I was tearful.

 We are officially in the middle of no where as this sign from down town Glasgow, Mt says.  Lots of smoke and much heat.  We rest today and back on the bike tomorrow.  We will be in Wolf point tomorrow afternoon.  I love our guides.  Abby and Emily are making each of our rides possible.  Above and beyond.

Thursday, July 15, 2021


Did I say it was Hot in eastern Montana?

July 14, 2021 

We are now in Havre, Very nice lodging.  Each day our guide has given us a task, todays task is to Get 2 photo selfies with a dinosaur and some interesting signs. 


 Sorry for being so delinquent.  The ride presses on so I will do some back tracking.  We made it to Malta today.  92 miles which started out fast and cool our average speed 14 to 15 miles per hour.  We rode along the Milk River on Highway 2.  The freight trains running by us throughout the day.  At 32 mile into the ride I jumped into the sag so I could take a bump up the road 20 miles.  I was happy to do so as there was new chip seal being put down on the road.  The Sag dropped us off on a quite ten mile road which paralleled Hwy2.  The day was heating up fast by 11a.m. it was over 90 and we were wetting ourselves down.  

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

 Hi light today is Kootenai falls. We left Trout Creek at 50 degrees to arrive here at 84 but it felt like 98.

 We left Sandpoint on a bike path.  Quiet early morning ride.  Lynn was our sag driver.  Our breakfast was weak but with the snack table we had much to eat.  There was some hills to climb.  We rolled along the clark fork river it was stunning scenery. We entered into Montana today so excited to be home.  By the third sag I was exhausted and we still had 19 miles togo.  64 was out total miles.  Sandy and I trudged on into the heat.  The Sag circled around us a couple times to make sure we were safe.  Tomorrow we head to Libby.  We look forward to cooler temperatures. Hopefully.! The second post was todays ride.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

 I took a 17 mile bump today to help make it through the 84 miles to Sandpoint.

Bike path bridge to Sandpoint.

 We leave one beautiful place to come to another.  Headed to Idaho.

Ione Washington. 

Friday, July 2, 2021

 Lovely ride today,  Beautiful rolling hills,  some screaming down hill.  We were fortunate to have cooler temp.  

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Todays ride: Incredible ride today, I got dropped off at the top of Sherman Pass. As I ascended into the trees I rode next to Sherman creek the cools steam seemed to cool the air. As I rounded a bend I looked beside me and there was the Columbia river gorge.  Wow! As I crossed the Columbia river I walked my bike.  I rode over 40 Miles today.


Wednesday, June 30, 2021

 After each ride we come in take care of ourselves then take care of our laundry.  It dries in less then an hour.

Todays ride, still living with souring temperatures.  Temperatures will top out at 105 today.  The Womantours guides did all they could to keep women cycling forward.  We are happy and lucky to get some riding in each day.  My ride was short today, but at the end I got a 13 miles of reward.  A long downhill with a little hills to climb.  I spent my morning with a can of granny and the end of my ride I rode with my big girl gears. So Happy! We arrived safe today in Republic Washington.  This is an adorable town with warm and friendly people.  

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

It was a beautiful morning I left the  hotel at 5:48 a.m..  I felt cool and we flew along.  We turned the corner and ran into the sag.  We then hit a very steep hill and it went on for many miles.  I ran out of water.
It was a struggle for me to make it to the top.  Most riders made it in.  Our guides were at the top so we were out of time and we loaded up the bike and gear and head for town. I had high hopes of completing the ride but settle for 30.4 miles and a 2649 foot climb.


Monday, June 28, 2021

I just heard the cutest statement.  I was at the post office mailing a box home, on my way out I grabbed a couple more boxes.  The post mistress was complementing a young woman about the cool summer dress she was wearing and her reply was this. "Sometimes what you wear projects you into the day rather then how you feel. " I love this! Picking profound little statements.  

 As I prepare for tomorrows ride,  I have boxed up stuff I don't need and am sending it home.  I want to lighten my load.  I am keeping much of my warm weather gear even though we struggle with high temperatures.  I hope to remove about 10 lbs of stuff.  We will see if I can accomplish this.  I want to do a little laundry.  Perhaps see a local museum.  Rest with air conditioning and maybe wade in the river. The woman I have met each have their own chores to make ready for tomorrow.  Many of them busily solving problems, helping one another with the days tasks.  

Thanks to the bike Techs in Anacortes, my bike is shifting well again.  I miss my Carbon fiber trek bike as it is much faster then my stainless steel.  Perhaps I am just getting older and spin slower.  I watch women come in yesterday, completely exhausted after their 90 mile ride.  Wow,  they are amazing. The sag worked triple hard to help the women.  The guides working at the top of their game to assist and encourage the gals.  

Saturday, June 26, 2021

 We left Anacortes this morning riding east into growling heat.  There were many beautiful sights along the route. This sculpture was right off the pathway.  

The heat jumped to 106, so I opted to take the van in after 50 miles. Happy I made it that far.

Friday, June 25, 2021


 Riding the Tommy Thompson trail link  in Anacortes.  Beautiful  Leisure ride with many possibilities for wild life. We looked for seals, Blue heron, Cormorants, Eagles, Otters, Salmon, sea gulls, and the elusive Kingfisher.  The route took us by boat yards,  Murals Painted by many different artists.  The were also Sculptures beside the trail.
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Thursday, June 24, 2021


Here in Washington State feeling the heat and have great concerns about the first ride.  I can honestly say I do not enjoy heat when riding.  The weather looks solid for warm sunny days.  I stopped by the bike shop and dropped off a Key lime pie.  The bike techs have had to work hard getting all the woman tour bikes assembled and tuned up.  Skagit cycling center is a busy place.  Mount Baker.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

So ends one adventure and begins a new one.  Two days from now I begin the western half of the Northern Tier.  There are 25 plus women all heading out on a new adventure.  We will cycle to Fargo, ND from Anacortes.  We begin with a frightening 77 miles. The next day we do over 90 miles.  I fear I cannot do it but have faith I will give it my all.  I had a major breakdown on my bike to which the bike shop had to replace all my gear head sets.  It was stressful but Skagit cycling center pulled a rabbit out of their hat and saved me. I will look for a new de-railer while in route.  I rode up a hill and the gears changed fine.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

 34 mile round trip today riding along the Bridger mountain range.  One of my favorite rides, over 900 feet of climbing.  Was pretty tired on the way home so I stopped at the coffee shop for a little pick me up.  

Thursday, June 3, 2021

 Time is speeding up some much to get done before my next epic tour.  Just around the corner.  Training daily fighting heat.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Day after day I dream of the open road.   What lies around the next bend,  what are the new sights, what are the new smells.  The air flowing and bending around my body cradling me comfortably on the bike.